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Thursday, October 24

10:45am PDT

Education and the Christian Imagination
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT

Jeff DeVries

Illiana Christian High School

Peter Jonker

Minister of Preaching, LaGrave Ave Christian Reformed Church
Peter Jonker is the minister of preaching at LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church. He's been a minister in the Christian Reformed Church for over 30 years, and is the author of the book, Preaching in Pictures. He is married to Linda Jonker who teaches kindergarten at Grand Rapids... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
243 + 245 Classroom, 2nd floor

10:45am PDT

Enjoying the Bible: How to Equip Students to Read with Imagination (Not Just For Information)
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
How many of our students - and us! - read the Bible primarily for "information" (asking what does this passage "mean" and how do I "apply" it)? Let's experience the Bible in a way that better accounts for its poetry, songs, and apocalypses; as a Spirit-inspired work of art meant to stir our imaginations, move us emotionally, and captivate our hearts, not just our heads.

Abrianne Castaneda

Grandville Calvin Christian School
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
222 + 228 Classroom, 2nd floor

10:45am PDT

Faith Of Our Fathers.....LIVING Still!
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Join this father/daughter duo in interactive, guided dialogue around the beauty and calling of Christian education. Together let's learn from the past and lean into the future as we seek to continue to bring glory to our God in growing this next generation of Kingdom Workers.
Join Miska Rynsburger and her dad, Ken Kuipers, in a participatory conversational jaunt as we look back over the past seventy years of Christian Schools, while at the same time, exploring the future. At the 1934 National Union of Christian Schools (NUCS) Convention in Englewood, IL, Dr W. Harry Jellema shared concern that if ‘Christian Schools continue to be outgrowths of group custom (Dutch subculture)…the life and world view will lose its vitality and Christians Schools will cease to be’. The implication is for those who follow to be sure that they are able to articulate the mission and flourish as a relevant school for families today.

Ken Kuipers

Retired, Former principal at Holland Christian Schools
Ken and Miska are a father/daughter duo who have been learning and serving in Christian education for nearly 70 years combined. They enjoy sitting together over a cup of coffee summer mornings reflecting on the journey of Christian education, the challenges and proposing growth ideas... Read More →

Miska Rynsburger

Principal, Holland Christian Schools
Ken and Miska are a father/daughter duo who have been learning and serving in Christian education for nearly 70 years combined. They enjoy sitting together over a cup of coffee summer mornings reflecting on the journey of Christian education, the challenges and proposing growth ideas... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
137 Art room, 1st floor (Koetje)

10:45am PDT

Gen Z and Faith: What is really going on?
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
There has been a lot of conversation about Gen Z, the Nones, and the shrinking church in North America. What's true and what's not, and how does that impact our work with students?

Clay Lubbers

Middle School Science Teacher, Byron Center Christian School
Clay is an outdoor enthusiast and is working towards integrating more outdoor learning into his middle school science curriculum. He's had a passion for the outdoors as long as he has been alive and he longs for kids to see the story of creation in creation itself.

Mary Hulst

University Pastor, Calvin University
Mary Hulst has served as the University Pastor of Calvin University since 2009. She is a graduate of Calvin College, Calvin Theological Seminary and her PhD is from the University of Illinois.  A native of Holland, Michigan, (Go Maroons!), Mary loves the outdoors, hiking, kayaking... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
312 Fitness studio, 3rd floor

10:45am PDT

Reformed Refreshment
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Have you considered the spiritual significance of your teaching efforts? Do you align your work with the principles of the kingdom of God? Do you approach your work with true passion and dedication? It is often suggested that educators must choose between prioritizing their students or the subject matter, but have you ever thought about the fact that, in reality, you are teaching others about God? These questions prompt deep reflection, especially for those teaching within institutions with a Reformed tradition. Peter’s goal in this session is to inspire you to rekindle your passion for teaching and to recognize the profound impact of educating others from a Reformed Christian perspective.

Sarah Vasquez

Grand Haven Christian School

Peter Boonstra

Principal, Illiana Christian High School
Peter served as a lawn mower, egg candler, garbage man, and wood cutter before serving forty years a principal in Reformed Christian schools in South Dakota, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana. Did I choose this adventure?  Or has God directed my steps? Let's get that ri... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
253 Classroom, 2nd floor

10:45am PDT

The Art of Reflection: Equipping us to Connect Students and Learning to God's Story
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
John Dewey, known for many things including his advocacy for experiential learning, acknowledged that “we don’t learn from experiences, we learn from reflecting on experiences.” Despite the strong connection between reflection and learning, many of us struggle to invite students into meaningful reflection – this session will equip us.

Rebecca Mesbergen

Allendale Christian School

Darryl DeBoer

Director of Teaching for Transformation, Center for Advancement of Christian Education
Darryl DeBoer is both  the Director of Teaching for Transformation and the K-12 Director of  Education at Surrey Christian School. Beyond these roles, he listens to a lot  of Taylor Swift and Johnny Cash as he drives his kids to all their  activities. Always wishing he was fi... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
121 Art room, 1st floor (VanHaitsma)

11:55am PDT

RT - Chapel Planners
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:55am - 12:55pm PDT
Routh Table discussion with other Chapel Planners.
Chairperson Speakers

Julie VanOordt

Young 5's Teacher, Chapel Coordinator, Allendale Christian School
Julie is recently retired after the 2024 school year after teaching for 39 years in both special education and regular education.  She has a cottage in Holland that she enjoys spending time at during the summer and spends lots of time with her five grandchildren.
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:55am - 12:55pm PDT
226 Classroom, 2nd floor

1:50pm PDT

Forming Cultures of Sabbath and Joy for Teachers and Students
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
Feeling weary? Isolated? In need of encouragement? This session provides mindsets and practices designed to create greater degrees of rest, play, and connection within schools and classrooms—so that you and your students alike might find your time together more faith-building and life-giving!

Kevin Taylor

Founder and Director, Wellspring Christian Education
Kevin is passionate about helping schools put faith into practice because young people need to know Jesus. He holds a doctorate in Religious Studies, a masters in Curriculum and Instruction, and has taught for over two decades in Christian schools in Guatemala, Kansas, and Colora... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
146 Choir room, 1st floor

1:50pm PDT

Reform (ing) Chapel
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
One of the mottos of the Reformation was "semper reformanda" - reformed, and always reforming. As times change and student needs evolve, how do our chapels adapt? What should stay the same? What should change This session will explore examples of what was worked (and what hasn't!) in our chapels. There will be a time to discuss and share ideas among colleagues as well.

Vicki Huizenga

Highland Christian School

Mark VanderWerf

Chaplain and Bible Teacher, Grand Rapids Christian High School
Mark VanderWerf is the high school chaplain and Bible teacher at Grand Rapids Christian High School. His work includes teaching Bible and theology courses, working with student interns to plan and implement weekly chapels, and mentoring students in the school’s Spiritual Formation... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
240 History and Bible Commons, 2nd floor

1:50pm PDT

Sing, Move, and Memorize...the Bible
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
Are you responsible for helping students memorize scripture? Want to make it creative and fun? Teach students to effortlessly memorize passages of scripture with integrated arts in a way that will stick with them for a lifetime. General preK-6th grade teachers and Spanish Immersion teachers welcome.

Amie Winningham

1st Grade Teacher, Holland Christian School - Rose Park
Amie often eats kale in secret, when no one is looking. She sometimes smiles so much that her face hurts. She rarely meets someone she doesn’t consider a friend.  With 20 years of elementary teaching experience, mostly in music, she has a passion for helping children fall in love... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
243 + 245 Classroom, 2nd floor

3:00pm PDT

Being Change Agents in a Changing World
Thursday October 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
We are Christian educators who live and teach in a world whose messages are in direct contradiction to Kingdom values. This workshop will give educators the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively communicate with students (and parents) who are being influenced and discipled by a distorted and broken culture.

Jason Perry

Campus Pastor, Chicago Christian High School
Jason Perry is the Lead Pastor Living Springs Community Church (Glenwood, IL). He is also the founder and director of Oak Tree Leadership. Pastor Perry has been married to Dr. Sharon Perry for 36 years and they are parents of 2 adult children.
Thursday October 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
120 Science Commons, 1st floor
Friday, October 25

9:00am PDT

Chapel and Classroom Devotions
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
253 Classroom, 2nd floor

9:00am PDT

Connecting Bytes and Beliefs: Technology and the Biblical Story
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
What does it mean to be a faithful Christian in a digital world? What do bytes have to do with Christian beliefs? This presentation will sketch how computer technology can be understood within the biblical story and contrasted with how it is often understood within rival stories.

Derek Schuurman

Professor of Computer Science, Calvin University
Derek Schuurman worked as an electrical engineer for several years and later completed a Ph.D. in robotics and computer vision. He is currently professor of computer science at Calvin University and author of "Shaping a Digital World" and co-author of "A Christian Field Guide to Technology... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
137 Art room, 1st floor (Koetje)

9:00am PDT

Mama's Refrigerator: Don't Forget to Remember
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
One of Satan's most powerful tools is having God's children forget how He has been working in their lives. A different look at Mama's Refrigerator from last year, this session will dive into practical ways to help capture moments of faith development in the classroom, including connecting, reflecting, and remembering.

Vicki Huizenga

Highland Christian School

Reba Ezell

Co-Founder, Faith Journey
Reba and her husband, Kent are the founders of Faith Journey. Reba is also currently an English teacher at South Christian High School.

Kent Ezell

Founder, Faith Journey
 Kent Ezell and his wife Reba are the founders of Faith Journey. Kent is also currently a 5th grade teacher at Dutton Christian School.
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
255 Clasroom, 2nd floor

9:00am PDT

The Beautiful Work of Leading Change into Christian Deeper Learning Practices
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
This session is designed for school leaders who are considering, or who have already begun, a journey in which they would like to transform current classroom practices into deeper learning practices. We will spend time exploring frameworks and tools that will sustain long term change in our teaching and learning.

Tom DeBlecourt

Byron Center Christian School

Darryl DeBoer

Director of Teaching for Transformation, Center for Advancement of Christian Education
Darryl DeBoer is both  the Director of Teaching for Transformation and the K-12 Director of  Education at Surrey Christian School. Beyond these roles, he listens to a lot  of Taylor Swift and Johnny Cash as he drives his kids to all their  activities. Always wishing he was fi... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
222 + 228 Classroom, 2nd floor

10:10am PDT

A Pastoral Presence in Christian Schools
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
Since Covid, the rise of anxiety/fear/panic attacks has risen amongst students, along with big questions about what is going on in the world and how to navigate these challenges from a Christian Worldview. I believe having a designated staff member who is available in the classroom and with open hours for pastoral care for staff and students is not simply a luxury, but a necessity as Christian Schools move into the future.

Clay Lubbers

Middle School Science Teacher, Byron Center Christian School
Clay is an outdoor enthusiast and is working towards integrating more outdoor learning into his middle school science curriculum. He's had a passion for the outdoors as long as he has been alive and he longs for kids to see the story of creation in creation itself.

Chuck Swanson

Bible Teacher, South Christian High School
Dr. Charles W. Swanson spent sixteen years working at Cornerstone University in Student Development and for nine of those years as the Dean of Spiritual Formation and adjunct faculty.  After leaving Cornerstone, he served eleven years as a pastor of a local church, while also serving... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
260 Fireplace Common, 2nd floor

10:10am PDT

ChatGPT, AI, and the Biblical Story: Thoughts from a Christian Computer Scientist
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
Many believe that AI could lead us toward some sort of paradise. A rival story suggests that the future doesn’t need us and that AI will ultimately threaten humanity. This talk will explore a vision for AI informed by the Biblical story and some recommendations for how we might toward more responsible technology.

Jennifer Lewis

Western MI Christian High School

Derek Schuurman

Professor of Computer Science, Calvin University
Derek Schuurman worked as an electrical engineer for several years and later completed a Ph.D. in robotics and computer vision. He is currently professor of computer science at Calvin University and author of "Shaping a Digital World" and co-author of "A Christian Field Guide to Technology... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
137 Art room, 1st floor (Koetje)

10:10am PDT

Christian Character Formation in a Culture of Anger
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
Between elections, culture wars, and the pandemic, we might all be headed for higher blood pressure. A good Christian public witness is more crucial than ever. What role should anger play in a virtuous life? If anger’s rightful target is injustice, how angry and how often should we be angry? Or should Christians refrain from anger and practice gentleness? Are these two stances compatible? To address this puzzle, we'll consider insights from two strands in Christian thought and use the lens of formation to reconcile the two strands. Then we'll explore some field-tested virtuous practices and spiritual exercises for good anger formation in community.

Vicki Huizenga

Highland Christian School

Rebecca DeYoung

Professor of Philosophy, Calvin University
Dr. Rebecca DeYoung (Ph.D. University of Notre Dame) teaches ethics and the history of philosophy at Calvin University. Her books include Glittering Vices (Brazos, 2nd ed. 2020), Vainglory (Eerdmans, 2014), and Aquinas's Ethics (University of Notre Dame Press, 2009). She speaks widely... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
142 Band room, 1st floor

10:10am PDT

Teaching as an Act of Worship
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
Teaching is a calling that involves various daily tasks (grading, modeling, fostering connections with students, email communication). Jordan and Ryan will explore how teaching can be seen as an act of worship and how everyday routines can become intentional worship moments with God.

Vicki DeKryger

South Christian High School
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Ryan VandenHeuvel

South Christian High School
Ryan Vanden Heuvel is an English teacher at SCHS who enjoys reading, hiking, and artistic hobbies. He as taught at SCHS for 23 years, and strives to have his vocation mirror SCHS's mission: to equip students to live Christ-centered lives and serve God to their greatest potential... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
240 History and Bible Commons, 2nd floor
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