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Thursday, October 24

10:45am PDT

Exploring God's Creation: Integrating Maple Sugaring for Seasonal Learning
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Engage in an immersive maple sugaring sectional to support integrating the great outdoors into your seasonal content. Delve into interdisciplinary learning, emphasizing social studies connections. Learn how to utilize your schoolyard's maple trees for eco-friendly science practice and citizen science projects, aligning with standards. God's wondrous creation inspires a deeper connection to His majesty.

Kelsey Hoffman

Grandville Calvin Christian School

Janet Staal

Director of Nature Based and Outdoor Education, West Side Christian School
Janet Staal, BA in K-8 Education and a Master Naturalist Certification. Her journey from childhood explorations in West Michigan's woods to fostering nature-based education at WSCS reflects a lifelong commitment to teaching and glorifying God. Join us as she shares her passion for... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
120 Science Commons, 1st floor

11:55am PDT

RT - 6 - 12 Science Teachers
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:55am - 12:55pm PDT
Round Table for 6th - 12 Science Teachers

Ryan Verver

High School Chemistry Teacher, Chicago Christian High School
Ryan just completed his 25th year of teaching, 20 at Southwest Christian School - Tinley Park, 3 at Bradley Bourbonnais Community High School and 2 at Chicago Christian High School.  He has always taught science.  He has also coached and been the athletic director over his years... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 11:55am - 12:55pm PDT
120 Science Commons, 1st floor
  Round Table

1:50pm PDT

Leading and Educating for Unity
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
How do we lead in joy? How do we lead in courage? How do we lead knowing God has the victory, for our graduates and the broader kingdom? How do we lead in faithfulness, while knowing God has always been perfectly faithful and kept His covenant with us?

Jennifer Lewis

Western MI Christian High School

Greg Elzinga

Interim President, Calvin University
The mission of Christian education remains crucial—and it relies first on God’s faithfulness, and then on a spirit of unity among our teams. Through Deuteronomy 7:9 and examples from his own formative journey in education, Elzinga will encourage attendees and offer practical ways... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:50pm - 2:50pm PDT
120 Science Commons, 1st floor

3:00pm PDT

Being Change Agents in a Changing World
Thursday October 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
We are Christian educators who live and teach in a world whose messages are in direct contradiction to Kingdom values. This workshop will give educators the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively communicate with students (and parents) who are being influenced and discipled by a distorted and broken culture.

Jason Perry

Campus Pastor, Chicago Christian High School
Jason Perry is the Lead Pastor Living Springs Community Church (Glenwood, IL). He is also the founder and director of Oak Tree Leadership. Pastor Perry has been married to Dr. Sharon Perry for 36 years and they are parents of 2 adult children.
Thursday October 24, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
120 Science Commons, 1st floor
Friday, October 25

9:00am PDT

Beautiful Work: Whole School Journey to Christian Teaching
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
Christian Schools International, with the help of CACE, developed and delivers a beautiful work course for teachers. Each of the eight models is now also a full day professional learning that school faculty can journey through together. Why would a school take this journey, and how can your student make more Beautiful Work?

Jim Peterson

Director of Membership and Operations, Christian Schools International
Teacher, administrator, professional development designer and leader, Christian School advocate; in all the roles God gives him, he strives to cultivate for flourishing lives.
Friday October 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am PDT
120 Science Commons, 1st floor

10:10am PDT

The Lives of the Saints: Pedagogical Practices for Teaching the Faith
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
The Apostle Paul writes, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ" (1 Cor 11:1). We don't often talk about saints or the "Lives of the Saints," but what if the saints offer our students - and us! - a new way of engaging and thinking about the faith. What if the saints are calling to each of us: "imitate us as we imitate Christ." This session will look at what we can learn from the saints as well as ways we can use and incorporate the saints in our teaching - and not just in Bible classes.

Mark VanderWerf

Chaplain and Bible Teacher, Grand Rapids Christian High School
Mark VanderWerf is the high school chaplain and Bible teacher at Grand Rapids Christian High School. His work includes teaching Bible and theology courses, working with student interns to plan and implement weekly chapels, and mentoring students in the school’s Spiritual Formation... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 10:10am - 11:10am PDT
120 Science Commons, 1st floor
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